South Gippsland Community Grants - 2024-2025 - Round 1

This is a preview of the 2024 / 2025 Community Grants Application Form form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

2024 / 2025 Community Grants Program

* indicates a required field.

Please note before completing this application form, you should have:

  1. Read the Community Grants Program Guidelines available on our website here.
  2. Contacted the Grants team on 5662 9200 or via email ( to discuss your project at least 4 weeks before submitting an application for a grant under the 'Planning & Development Reports' category or the 'Major Projects & Equipment' category.
  3. Prepared all the relevant information and documentation for your application.

Please note that priority consideration will be given to projects that have direct and clear positive impacts for the South Gippsland community.

Eligibility Reminder

A maximum funding request of $10,000 and a minimum funding request of $1,000 can be applied for within this grant program. Requests above $10,000 or below $1,000 are automatically ineligible for assessment. Each category within the program has a different co-contribution requirement from the applicant towards the project. Co-contributions that are not met are automatically ineligible for assessment.

A current Balance Sheet / Financial Statement for the organisation from their last Annual General Meeting (AGM) MUST be provided.  Applications submitted without a Balance Sheet / Financial Statement are automatically ineligible for assessment.

Please note: Any incomplete applications and/or applications received after the closing date will not be considered. 

The Grants team can be contacted on 5662 9200 or via email if you are unsure of your project or organisation's eligibility.

The Alignment of your Project with Council's Outcomes

The Community Grants Program's objective is to 'enhance the quality of life, heritage, recreation and cultural opportunities of the South Gippsland community'.

Which of these objectives will your project contribute to? * Required
Response required.Response required.
You are welcome to select more than one option.

Does this proposed project meet another need in the community that is not identified in the list above? If so, please describe. For example, are you aiming for your project to:

  • Support, train or attract more volunteers?
  • Improving community health and social wellbeing?
  • Increasing access and inclusion for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups?
  • Fostering and celebrating a sense of identity, diversity and cultural connection within the community?
This answer is not compulsory and will not go towards your assessment score. Your answer will help Council track emergency trends in the community that we can possibly assist with in the future.
Which Council plan(s) or strategies does your proposed project align with? * Required
Response required.Response required.

To view Council's Strategies and Plans, please visit our website here.

Is this project identified within a community plan or your organisation's strategic plan? * Required
If yes, you will be prompted to attach a copy of this plan.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Is this project identified within a community plan or your organisation's strategic plan?" on page 1

Attach a file: Select stored file

    Sport and Recreation Organisations

    For applications from sport and recreation clubs, please indicate and provide evidence in the attachments if your organisation:

    Attach a file: Select stored file
      Contact GippSport directly to request this:

      Providing evidence of these efforts will significantly enhance the weighting of your application, showcasing your commitment to fostering a truly inclusive sporting environment.